Bev Howe 1925-2018
BEVERLY FELT HOWE life journey began nearly 93 years ago in between two world wars when she was born to a humble, young couple in northern Utah. Her inquisitive nature gave her courage to go beyond the comfortable perimeter of family and close friends, and unlike many of her day, she chose to pursue a college education. While at the University of Utah she was drawn to the College Of Home Economics and Child Development. Here her magnetism to beauty, design, and color found expression as she explored interior design, clothing and textiles as well as nutrition and food science. These skills and interests she honed the rest of her life as she served family and friends.Countless homes were created as she and Dick frequently moved their family around the US, including a 3-year stint in Venezuela.

Once settled in a new location, her interest in others and the community drew her to seek ways to connect one on one. Serving at a rehab center, as a hospice volunteer, at the local hospital. American Field Service, through master gardeners, or neighbor to neighbor - each were an outlet for her creativity and love of service.
Mom's innate keen mind sought learning. Book groups, investment classes, knitting groups, clogging classes, yoga instruction, and gardening club - all these brought friendships and exploration throughout her years. Gardening became her passion and key to her everlasting youthfulness. Amidst all else, the constant in her life was her love and devotion to her family, which now includes 4 sons and a daughter, their spouses, 14 grandchildren, and 22 really great grandchildren.
Mom's innate keen mind sought learning. Book groups, investment classes, knitting groups, clogging classes, yoga instruction, and gardening club - all these brought friendships and exploration throughout her years. Gardening became her passion and key to her everlasting youthfulness. Amidst all else, the constant in her life was her love and devotion to her family, which now includes 4 sons and a daughter, their spouses, 14 grandchildren, and 22 really great grandchildren.